Sunday, September 18, 2005

Harry Potter

Well, as some of you may very well know, I am completly and 100% obsessed with Harry Potter. I visit mugglenet and the leaky cauldron on a daily basis, and I even have an e-mail account hosted by mugglenet. I write Harry Potter fanfiction, I read Harry Potter fanfiction, I have written a few editorials, I play Severus Snape in a Harry Potter RPG, I am active on quite a few Harry Potter message boards, I have memorized the Harry Potter movies, I have developed obsessions with actors in the Harry Potter movies, (Alan Rickman and Jason Isaacs). I listen to MuggleCast which is basically an online discussion/talk show that runs from 25 minutes to an hour and is run by the guys from Mugglenet and they talk about nothing but Harry Potter. I plan on attending the first showing of Goblet of Fire wearing my Snape was Framed t-shirt if I can't scrounge up enough money to acutlay buy a costume (cape, scarf, tie, the works). I pre-ordered my HBP copy and would have gone to the book release party if I could have. I also spent July 16th doing nothing but reading that book, twice, until four in the morning. If I could, I belive I could get into heated debtates about Harry Potter and would talk, at length, about it if someone would be willing to listen.

So yes, I am quite obsessed.

So I decided that it was about time that I had an obsession based post.

Well, big news, a new two and a half minute teaser trailer has just been released. They were showing it in theaters not to long ago at the select showings of the Corpse Bride. I would have gone to see it, but we are broke. Besides, I did see the first ever GOF trailer premier on the movie theater screens when I went to see Kicking and Screaming (awful movie) with Cami.

I started squealing in the theater when it came on, quite sad.

But the new trailer looks increadible. Then, the day after the trailer aired, the morning show in england put out another international trailer which had even more new footage.

I promptly downloaded both and I have seen them at least 100 times a piece (no joke) so far.

These new trailers give us a first look at Voldemort reborn, along with a first look at Nagini and Karakoff (who dosn't look half bad, if I do say so myself.) Also, towards the end of the international trailer, we get to see, what I think, is an up close and personal look at the Death Eater masks. I can't say that I wasn't dissapointed when I first saw their outfits. To KKK for my taste. But, my faith will be restorted if the masks belong to the Death Eaters.

Voldemort looks exactly like I thoght he would. Even with the glimpse, I'm very proud and I can tell already that the scenes involving him will be bone chilling. I'm glad that they kept his image the same as in the first movie. I just hate how they change peoples looks like that. For instance, the Parvati in the third film looks nothing like the Parvati in the fourth. The seeker that they had electructed in the third movie, is not the person that ended up being Cedric. Tom the barkeeper went from somewaht nice looking to the Hunchback of Notre Dame from the first to third movie. Even Fudge looks diffrent! While it is the same man, they clearly did his makeup diffrent. The hairpiece from movie two, is not the same in movie three. And, I could go on and on if I could.

Well, I think I have to stop there. My beta just sent in the revised chapter, so I must go look over it.

If any of y'all want to see the new trailers go to and scroll down the front page. It shouldn't be to far down.


Blogger Zero said...

I'm kinda dissapointed already in the movie. They've taken out the whole Qudditch World Cup!!!! That kinda makes me upset, there's a bunch of other stuff too that makes me upset. I don't get why they can't just make a 4 hour long Harry Potter movie. :D

5:15 PM  

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