Monday, June 20, 2005

I was sue me!

series one--you
birth time: I think like 9 in the morning or something like that
Last place you traveled: chruch?
Eye Color: hazel
Nail Color: ummm, normal?
Height: 5'3
Zodiac Sign: Leo

Series two--DescribeYour
heritage: Well, right now im a great big ? but I like to say i'm the illigitamet air to the KFC fortune, or I'm Austrian (funny story)
The shoes you wore today: me? shoes? ppsshh
Your hair: Light brown and up
Your weakness: sexy englishmen over the age of 40 with big noses
Your fears: being unnoticed
Your perfect pizza: oooo, extra cheese, light sauce, chicken, olives, peporini and pinapple :)
One thing you'd like to achieve: Get one of my books published

Series three--What is...
Your most overused phrase on aim: lol sadly enough
Your thoughts first waking up: nooo...I was having a good dream!
Your current worry: Finances
Your plans tomorrow: sleep, work on story, eat, read, and sleep.
Your best physical feature: my eyes
Your greatest accomplishment: Getting a scholorship that pay's for all of my tuition for a state supported school

series four--you prefer
Sunrise or sunset: sunset
Gore or horror: neither *shiver*
Stripes or poki dots: stripes, if you stare at them long enough then they begin to move, its awesome!
Money or fame: Fame, because then maybe i could meet Alan Rickman
Planes or trains: trains, planes scare the crap out of me
Metal or hardcore: both
Boxers or comfy!
Your life is: complicated
Pools or hot tubs: pools

Series five--do you
Cuss: yes
Do you think you've been in love: not with anyone I am not closely related too, unless you count severe infatuation/obsession.
Want to get married: of course
Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: yep :)
Like to take baths: oh i LOVE to take baths
Get motion sickness: only when I try to read in the car.
Like talking on the phone: no, not really. I suck at holding a conversation
Like thunderstorms: Oh I love them! There great to play in, even if the lightning is coming down all around, I will still be playing :)
Play an instrument: a few
Workout: Nope
Like reading: oh I LOVE reading, it's one of my passions :)

Series six--favorites
Kind of fruit: strawberries
Music to fall asleep to: my dad's cd, brodening horizions i think, he sings rainbow connection on it, it reminds me of when I was little.
Time of the day: 2-3 in the morning, everyone else is asleep and I'm alone with my thoughts
Feature in the opposite sex: Big nose, thickish (no unibrow) dark eyebrows, and deep eyes
Car: Car? ppsshh, I want me a truck :)
Number: 2, 22, 222, 2222 (can you see the pattern?)
Thing to do right before bed: Talk to my mom
Thing to say when you're mad: uh huh
Horror movie: ummm, does Resident Evil count? I think Jason Isaacs was in that one :)
Colors: blue, green, black

Series Seven--future
Age you hope to be married: 25
Numbers &Names of Children: umm I want about 5, William, Charlie, Alexandria, Christopher Brandon, and Ella.
Describe your Dream Wedding: In a chruch with big stain glass window's and beautiful woodwork, with Bud marrying me off and Alison Snyder playing the piano :)
How do you want to die: In my sleep, like in the notebook
Where you want to go to college: of course!
What do you want to be when you grow up: I want to write but I don't know if that will work out, so I want to teach.
What country would you most like to visit: Russia or the UK, or perhaps my homeland of Austria ;)

Sunday, June 19, 2005


Today was a good way to end a very stressful and draining week. Not only did Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets air complete with deleted scenes on ABC Family, not only did I find out that James is definatly coming home for the Fourth of July, but Michael brought me homemade brownies when he got me craving them.

As a plus, I got the thing I mentioned in my last post pretty much Ironed out thankfully.

I normally dislike Father's Day, simply for the fact that it dosen't feel as though I have had a father for a long time, and I have never really had a strong male figure in my life that didn't eventually leave. The closest I ever had was Bud, and he left a long time ago. I never knew my real father and my adopted dad, well, he lives in mexico and I'm lucky if i see him for more than six day's a year.

But that dosen't matter. I don't need him or anyone else, I have my mom, and that is all I will ever need :)

There really isn't much to this post, I know. I did have a long rant about something written here for a while, but I decided against posting it. After all, there are just some things that are better kept inside.

Happy Fathers Day.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Not again...

I went to chruch tonight, though, I kind of wish I would have never gotten in the car to go. I found out tonight that someone I used to trust wholeheartedly, the one person who I never thought would betray me, is spreading lies about me.

I don't get it, I just don't get it. What person in their right mind would ever say such a thing? I mean it's just Insane. You don't say stuff like that without knowing for a fact that it is true. And even if it is true, you just don't say stuff like that without at least having the person's permission.

I know I shouldn't hold it against the whole youth group, because it's not their fault, but it just reminds me of why I stopped going in the first place. I have had numerous things said about me within this past year, none of them have been complimentary. I never thought anything would hurt as bad as when I was called a witch, but I guess I was wrong.

I haven't cried over a situation in a long time, and I pray that I won't start now. I know I shouldn't be getting so worked up over this, its just that they had no right, no right, to be saying anything about me. They gave that privilage up a long time ago when they threw my friendship to the wolves.

Its times like this, I wish I had the balls enough to confront people, but I wont. In fact, I don't even know if I will ever get up the nerve to talk to them about it, ever.

I know, I'm just being silly, it just hurts so bad.