Monday, August 29, 2005

Senior Year

Oh wow, whoever told me that Senior Year would be easy, should burn in hell and have their ashes peed on (not literally, it's just an expression.)

It is the begenning of the third week of school and I am already stressed. Let's just hope I can avoid stress eating better than I did this summer.

My only comfort is knowing that I am pretty sure what I want to do when I get older. The only down side is, I won't be making hardly any money, I don't think.

That, and I also have a trip to Mexico to look forward to this coming summer, and another margarita :)

But, for all of you Seniors out there, I feel your pain. But no worries, it will all be over soon, only 34ish more weeks left of High School and then we are gone :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Love and Acceptance

Tonight, my best friend Mariah took me to chruch and back.

Let me tell you, we had an intresting conversation, mostly centered around guys.

I finally told her all of the details around my first kiss, and the few ones after that. Seems she only knew about one of the instances, so I gladly filled her in.

Then we began talking.

Many of ya'll know that I am not the best conversationalist, and it takes a great effort on my part to try and keep a conversation going for more than a minute.

So to have about a thrity minute conversation for me is pretty much a miracle.

But then again, I do have a lot to say on this subject.

I'm going to do my best not to say to much or confuse you or even give you to much information. Actualy, I doubt that anyone actualy reads this thing, but on the off chance you do, I will try to keep it somewhat simple.

I was adopted as many of you know.

My real dad left my mother and me.

My parents are also divorced, again, as many of you know.

My dad now lives in mexico and if I'm lucky, I see him twice a year and I get one or two phone calls.

I haven't had the best relationships with the opposite sex. There has not been one guy, man, or boy that has been there for me for longer than a few years, espically when it comes to father figures.

Bud was the closest to a father figure I pretty much ever had, and then he left. I know some of the youth group were very happy when he left and some even were a little angered when he dropped brett off at summer camp and stayed for the meal.

But for me, that was the highlight of my week. It was hard to keep from crying when I saw him, but I managed. I got my wide smile and big bear hug and I was alright.

That was the one thing I could always expect from him, a big bear hug and a wide smile every time I saw him and that was all I needed. I actualy looked forward to going to chruch and seeing him some days because I needed that hug so badly.

But I don't have that anymore, he left.

That's why I was so upset when Jeff became our new youth pastor. I wanted Bud, I didn't want some new guy, espically because it felt like I was loosing a father all over again.

Don't get me wrong, I love Jeff and Kim and what they have done for the youth group, but I just don't have that relationship with them, and it's partially my fault.

But I'm getting off topic again.

Like I said before, no real male figure has ever stayed in my life for more than a few years.

I've always craved that acceptance, that love, from guys. I've always needed their approval and I have done everything in my power to make certain people like me, love me, and approve of me.

But I ended up looking like a fool.

It's doubly hard for me to try and gain that love that I crave so badly because of my reserved personality and my outward features. So I sometimes go to extremes to get what I need.

I won't give you any gorey details, I know no one wants that sort of mentail picture. Heck, if I were anyone else, I wouldn't want that sort of mental picture.

But it all comes back to the talk I had in the car with Mariah. We were on the subject of guys and some of the things she said made me think.

This post is basically just me sorting out my thoughts on the matter.

I knew I said I would never do anything like this, but at least I'm not whining. Besides, it's not like anyone actualy reads this right?

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Pooey day

I have never wanted it to be the weekend as much as I do now. This was my first week of school, and it was quite stressful.

I finished registering the day that school started and I got my schedule and it was all messed up. They didn't have me in computer which I needed to graduate, and I was in College Algebra and Calculus.

Well, now, thankfully, I have my final schedule. I dropped choir for computer, socioligy for newspaper, and calculus for current events. So, this is my Senior Schedule.

English 4
AP Government
College Algebra
Bible 4
Current Events

Should be quite fun, and i'm pretty excited.

But, back to waht I said at first, I cannot wait until the weekend. If my best buds ever call me back, then saturday night I will go see a movie and hopefully they will spend the night as my b-day thing, then sunday I will spend the day watching Alan Rickman movies (my first official rated R movies) then Monday, my acutal birthday, I have school, JV and Varstiy v-ball games, then mom will get off of work and bring home On The Border and we will watch an Alan Rickman movie :)

But then, next weekend I'm off to me my dad and his new wife in san antonio. Yeesh! I've never met her before, but I belive her name is Sally. THankfully she is a die hard christian and I think it might last because my dad actually waited until he was married until they, well, you know. He has never done that before, so you can see why i'm impressed.

But yes, this really has no point, just an update. I'm having a pooey day and I needed something to take my mind of off the vicious flame I recived.

Friday, August 12, 2005

The Hand Song

The Hand Song
By: Nickel Creek

the boy only wanting to give mother something
and all of her roses had bloomed
looking at him as he came rushing in with them
knowing her roses were doomed
all she could see were some thorns buried deep
and tears that he cried as she tended his wounds

and she knew it was love
it was one she could understand
he was showing his love
and that's how he hurt his hands

he still remembers that night as a child
on his mother's knee
she held him close and she opened her Bible
and quietly started to read
then seeing a picture of Jesus he cried out,
"Mama He's got some scars just like me!"

and he knew it was love
it was one he could understand
He was showing his love
and that's how He hurt His hands

now the boy's grown
and moved out on his own
when Uncle Sam comes along
a foreign affair but our young men were there
and luck had his number drawn
it wasn't that long till our hero was gone
he gave to a friend what he'd learned from the cross

Well they knew it was love
it was one they could understand
he was showing his love
and that's how he hurt his hands
It was one they could understand
he was showing his love
and that's how he hurt his hands

Monday, August 08, 2005


Why do people constantly tell you to follow your heart, when it always leads to places you don't want to be?

At least, people tell me it's somewhere I don't want to be.

I'm so torn by what I'm told I should do, and what I feel in my heart, it's driving me crazy. Who knows better? Which would be best for me?

My friends and I don't have the same priorities. We don't look for the same things, we don't have the same standard.

Perhaps it's to late for me to follow my heart, perhaps I screwed up by being to hesitant, perhaps I just wasn't enough, but shouldn't I take the chance? Shouldn't I see where my heart takes me?

Or should I do as I've done for the better part of my life, and do what my friends think I should do?

What can I say, I'm torn.